Tuesday, January 10, 2023

glock underwater

Glock Underwater - Outdoors 360 is praising a Bradenton man for "changing the sport of scuba diving" by using a modified Glock rifle to kill lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico.

Gulf of Mexico, Fla. -- Outdoors 360 is praising a Bradenton man for "changing the sport of scuba diving" by using a modified Glock pistol to kill invasive lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico.

Glock Underwater

Glock Underwater

A video produced by Go Fish Productions and posted to YouTube by Courtland Hunt shows the success of a modified handgun in killing lionfish.

Glock Spring Cups

According to the video, the idea started as an experiment to see if they could fire a gun underwater. Hunt, Airborne Arms, Inc. under the supervision of the gun shop. Parts supplied by Plant City and Lone Wolf Glock Parts modified the gun with a longer barrel and lead-free ammunition.

Although the lionfish is considered the most destructive animal in our marine environment and has benefited from annual hunts sponsored by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, the illegal hunting of lionfish has led some YouTube and Facebook bloggers to question the use of firearms. towards the coral reefs.

Some also joked about possible opposition from the animal rights movement, although there were no comments Friday in support of the lionfish in this battle between nature and man. So when a group of divers and spearfishers went fishing in the waters off the west coast of Florida, they quickly decided they needed to press on to protect their ears. The blast from their 9mm Glock pistol was painful even to divers far away from the shooter.

As explained in the first video, suppressors in "space" do not work underwater. Obviously, water is much denser than air, so releasing a gun inside a silencer is not an effective way to slow down an underwater message. With the help of the guys at Lone Wolf Distributors, makers of Glock barrels and accessories, this line has created a very effective way to suppress water pistols.

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Instead of trying to capture and contain the expanding air, this Glock muzzle device focuses on reducing and distributing the blast and energy waves of the weapon being released. Ports at the front of the tube push the water out, while there is an opening at the back of the tube. The result: a significant reduction in noise and pressure.

The lionfish that fights these crusades is a type of fish that has no natural weapons. They also destroy natural reef habitats. Fishing, usually with spears, is the only way to reduce lionfish populations. Notably, the divers use lead-free equipment, do not remove shells from living reefs, or collect their copper whenever possible. The whole process seems to be as good as possible. Good work all around.

Every part of the test was thoroughly researched and explained, so I give them credit for the animations that show the bullet as a complete cartridge flying through the silencer. My one criticism: It needs more sharks with laser beams!

Glock Underwater

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